Last saturdae.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Last saturdayWent to the Woodlands regional library with safwah.
Woke up real late.
About 9 o'clock.
Well,i forgot iron my clothes and it took me alittke longer.
So i got outta' my house.
Waited for the bus.
Waiting for the 800 bus but i don't know HOW,
i ended up in the 804 bus.
I SWORE it was the 800 bus on the sign.
Luckily i stopped at the nearest stop and took another bus.
So i'm really Safwah for making you wait until you wanted to sleep.
And it was drizzling when i got down so i kinda' got wet.
AND need i say.
While walking to northpoint and before that,
It seemed as if everyone was blocking my way.
Either than or crossing my path.
Found Safwah seated at the corner.
Yeah.She claimed that she could sleep by waiting for me.
So took MRT and when we reach there accompanied safwah
to Popular bookstore.
Bought her pens.
And later we went to library.
Retreated to the toilet before going for lunch.
We were looking for empty spots at KFC and MAC.
So we went to Banquet.
I ate fish and chips.
Bleah.I got sick of fish and chips thereafter.
So we went down to Cold storage to get drinks.
I bought H20 tangerine flavour.
Later we stood in front of the display fans.
For fun.
And for even more fun,
we went on the flat escallator used for trollies.
We were joking about weather our behavior
would come out in Newspaper headlines.
Or would we be caught be security guards.
So we decided to go home.
Actually wanted to take NEOs but the idea dropped.
On the way back took pictures of orninary objects.
This is a serious case of
Bade goodbye to her.
Went home.
Today.Boring day.
It was georgraphy test too.
Everything was bland.
So after the geography test after school.
I went home.