national day celebrations
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
today was okay.
Like any other days i've had.
So anyway.
When i reached school i SMSed Lina.
But i switched off my phone before i got the reply.
Turns out she was in the toilet.
the whole school assembled at the Parade Square.
Singed,watched a March,and had fun?
The funniest part was when Moktar stood up and danced.
Later,during the sports program,
(Will be talking bout it alittle later.)
I overheard his friends asking him about his dancing,
and he said..,'I was forced to."
OMG darn funnie'!!!
The sports matches were..
Kinda boring.
After that we proceeded to class.
To get our souveniours.
While walking up Amirah was pulling my shirt out.
Well,we were just playing anyway.
And Amirah!
I did'nt deliberately left you after school okay?
Went home with lina.
Listened to my mp3s all the way.
And kept saying
"Is this loud?''
Yeah!I think i'm annoying!
Am i?