Spagetti curtain.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Hey let me introduce to you my 1st boyfriend. Hot gentleman
Mr Dong Young Bae. He can dance,sing, rap and act! Haha muti-talented. Like me. I can't wait for his 2nd album to be released this coming October! My birth month. BaeBae, give me your album as a present! Next post I'll post my 2nd boyfriend
TOP! Loved them since
Yesterday I went to get some spagetti string curtains to hang in he middle of my Hall. I had to carry the curtain railing on a motorcycle. I must have looked like a Spartan warrior. Future version. One old man was cooly riding his bike when he suddenly saw what I was carrying and he was like," WTF!" Yeah, his slanty eyes opened as wide as it could. Funny. I'm really happy that my father got the curtains. Now my house feels so High-Class. Haha!
I'm rotting at home. I even played AuditionSEA. Which I usually don't. Oh Emm Gee! I have to study right now! For the future!
Siti:Nice right?! I want Namie Amuro songs please!
qingning: I'll listen to it soon~ Did you know that their song "I won't give" got banned?
syafiqah: Same size ajer..dah lamer kau tak visit blog aku patut dier shrink. Aku tak nak buat art!
LNL: Yay! Later I get your cardigan. Dark colour can?