Thursday, May 01, 2008
Oh wow.
It has seriously been a long time since i updated.
Like seriously.
I know i've flunked a few papers already.
So i'm gonna work hard for the others.
I seriously CANNOT fail overall percentage.
Its okay if i fail one or two subjects as long as it doesn'e affect my overall.
Okay well strictly speaking i haven't REALLY studied much.
Just reading up abit.
So yesterday was Social studies and Physics exams.
I didn't really memorise Social studies and i totally forgot about Physics.
Before the exam we were all supposed to pu or bags at the front.
Then Jun Kirk suddenlythrew his back to the front from the teacher's desk.
Mrs Lieu saw this and scolded junkirk and told him to say sorry to his bag.
Then she sad something like,"How would you feel if you reincanated into a bag and someone threw you around?"
Okay the exam was...OKAY.
If i would have been EASIER!
After both papers ended , me ,syafiqah ,Nadiah,Nadzirah,Siti went to artroom to do well..
Had fun there.
Went home with Safwah and Syafiqah.
So today'm gonna complete art!
Lucky i already photocopied my layout.
Okay now toodles!